Dear viewers welcome to , Indian Air Force Recruitment board is going to disperse the AFCAT Hall Ticket 2017 on its official web portal for the Air Force Common Administration Test examination all those who have applied for written examination they can be download their hall ticket from the official website Indian Air Force board has disperse the Admit Card in their official portal so applied postulants can download their hall tickets from its official site IAF board will conduct AFCAT exam on February and August month. IAF Board will conduct the written examination on 31stAugust,2017 for recruiting Flying Technical and ground officer posts now all applied aspirants can down load their hall tickets through the hyper link of Indian Air Force board AFCAT Examination is given below. Huge number of postulants have applied for this AFCAT examination now all those applied applicants are looking for their Air Force Common Administration Test Hall Ticket 2017. All the applied contenders can download their call letter before 15 days from the exam date So applied postulants can download their hall ticket from 15th August,2017 from the Indian Air Force main site. AFCAT admit card also having address for the examination 2017 would be printed on the admit card so it better serves the purpose to locate the address for exam before hand and helps in saving the time and helps to attend the Indian Air Force board written examination 2017 with peace of mind. Our website followers must advice to keep visiting our trusted site to get new updates on Admit cards, Results, Govt jobs, Bank jobs, Hall Tickets etc we are clearly update any educational or job information as quick as possible.
Download Procedure for the AFCAT Hall Ticket 2017 :
Go to the official web site and then enter your email Id and Password and click on login button then search for the link called down load AFCAT examination Call letter/hall ticket 2017. Once you click on the link it opens up in Air Force Common Administration Test admit card in PDF format then save the hall ticket in the system take hard copy of the admit card immediately it is required at the time of interview and while allotting the post so better have two copies of the AFCAT Call letter 2017.
Details about AFCAT Call letter :
The Air Force Common Administration Test Call letter/ hall ticket can be printed in plain (a4) sheet and kept in orderly condition the photo on the admit card should have some resemblance with the photo identity card which you are carrying read the instructions on the Call letter 2017. If the aspirants misses such instructions it may cause a distraction in the AFCAT examination hall and it may finally result in the exam so applicants can download their hall ticket before 15 days from the date of exam.
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